Soffit Assembly & Installation Efficiency

Nashville Construction Firm Boosts Project Efficiency with SIMPLESOFFIT Framing

Construction Firm Eliminates Prefabrication Time & Material, Increases Installation Efficiency

Imagine installing 600 running feet of drywall soffit in just 80 total man hours. Learn how Valley Interior Systems in Nashville, Tennessee accomplished this seemingly impossible feat using the new SIMPLESOFFIT drywall framing system from Armstrong Ceiling Solutions during their latest build. The SIMPLESOFFIT grid eliminates the traditional jig time, saving several hours of prefabrication time and material while increasing installation efficiency.

Assembly & installation of CUSTOM SIMPLESOFFIT main runners are as easy as 1-2-3

  1. Pull the main runner out of the box.
  2. Bend and click.
  3. Hang.

Save Time, Material, and Labor

Installers from Valley Interior Systems, Ryan Cheatham and Juan DeLeon, estimate the assembly time for one SIMPLESOFFIT main runner at only a few seconds. Compared to traditional soffit assembly using a jig template, this is a savings of three to five minutes per assembly, depending on the soffit layout.

SIMPLESOFFIT main runners on this job were factory-notched to the job specs, allowing installers to bend at the notch until they hear an audible click, which securely locks it in place. This results in the exact soffit profile needed for the job. The assembly and installation processes are more efficient, with rout holes ready to receive 16-inch on-center cross tees. DeLeon even says SIMPLESOFFIT tee assemblies feel sturdier than traditional jigged tees and eliminate the need for drywall clips and screws, which previously required more time for assembly.

Material Handling

Everett Partin, Foreman at Valley Interior Systems, reported saving multiple man-hours per floor, just in blocking and strapping alone, and says he is pleased with the innovative, time-saving capability of the SIMPLESOFFIT system. Partin said the SIMPLESOFFIT grid eliminates the complex setup steps of traditional soffit assembly and allows his crew to work more efficiently.

Partin shared an example of the increased productivity he’s seeing on the job site. A perimeter detail job using traditional soffit consisting of 46-linear feet per 10-hour day with one installer now sees nearly double the production for an impressive 80-linear foot using the SIMPLESOFFIT system, including the blocking and strapping, which wasn't included in the traditional soffit hanging method.

“With the SIMPLESOFFIT, we’ve completely gotten away from the jig timewe’re saving many hours in just jig time alone. We come in, we put these things together, put ‘em in the air, and we’re good to go.” - Everett Partin, Foreman

Pre-Planning Pays Off

Partin is a firm believer that a little pre-planning of the soffit layout on the front end saves a lot of time and materials on the back-end of the job. He stated that Armstrong Ceilings quality is unparalleled, with every single SIMPLESOFFIT main runner arriving precisely per the job specs with no deviations. Partin knows the value of pre-planning since he specified extra length on a main beam order recently, which helped his crew save time when working around obstacles and decking. Partin and his work crew repeatedly expressed their satisfaction with Armstrong's customization, quality, and attention to detail.

At Armstrong Ceilings, we pride ourselves on creating innovative ceiling and wall solutions, like SIMPLESOFFIT, that help you save time, material, and money on the job site. Contact Armstrong Ceiling Solutions today to plan for and customize your next soffit project using the SIMPLESOFFIT Drywall Framing System.

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