PROJECTWORKS | Standard Design Solutions

Standard Armstrong Solutions & PROJECTWORKS

Your support throughout a project’s lifecycle.

PROJECTWORKS Service Offerings

As your project journeys from schematic design through material installation, there are three unique services PROJECTWORKS provides to support you through the various construction phases: Design Consultation, Design Service, and Pre-Construction Service.

Design Consultation

You are looking for assistance in determining which solutions best meet design intent.

Design Service

You have clear understanding of design direction and are looking for layout, specification, and budget support.

Pre-Construction Service

You are looking for a Drawing Package and bill of materials to help bid, order, and install a project

Design Consultation

When you are in early design and are looking for assistance in determining which products meet your needs, we provide Design Consultation. This service is intended to help you compare layouts and budgets that will assist you with finding the best solution moving forward.

Design Service

When your project is in the design development or construction document phase, our Design Service can assist with layouts, specifications, and a defined materials budget to help you get your project ready for bid.

Pre-Construction Service

As your project moves into the bid phase, we provide a Pre-Construction Service to support bidding, ordering, and installation.

"In the past, we would have had to order all the parts and pieces ourselves which was quite intimidating. Now ProjectWorks supplies us with a complete materials list so there is no guessing as to what’s included."

- Derek Brinker, Project Manager at Twin City Acoustics
