Traditional Labor Costs
Labor Rate Per Person/Per Hour?*
How many running ft. of your stud condition can be built in one (1) man day?*
How Many Total Square Feet (SQ. FT.) of Drywall Installed in one (1) man day?*
Lineal Feet Cost Finishing (Cornerbead, Mud, Sand, Paint)?*
Traditional Material Costs
Stud cost per lineal ft. (LF)?*
Track cost per lineal ft. (LF)?*
20 gauge shiny 90 (utility angle) cost per lineal ft. (LF)?*
Drywall Material Cost Per Square Foot (Sq Ft)?*
Light Cove Dimensions
How Many Running Feet of this light cove is needed?*
A.) Vertical Dimension of back wall of cove (IN.)?*
B.) Horizontal Dimension of light shelf (IN.)?*
C.) Light Shelf Upturn Dimension (IN.)?*
D.) Upper Horizontal Return To Wall (IN.)?*
E.) Dimension of Studs From Cove to Structure (Traditional Built) (IN.)?*
Armstrong Light Cove Calculations
AXIOM 8” Indirect Ceiling to Wall*
AXIOM 10” Indirect Ceiling to Wall*
Field Light Cove*
Light Ledge*
6” AXIOM One-Piece*
Armstrong Drywall Grid Calculations
Armstrong drywall main beam cost per lineal ft. (LF)*
Armstrong 4’ Drywall Cross tee Cost Per Lineal Ft. (LF)*
Armstrong DW90 Soffit Tee Clip Price Per Piece*
Armstrong SB12 Strongback Cost Per Lineal Ft. (LF)?*
Installed material & labor cost per hanger wire or CBS Clip-to-Black Iron?*
The total labor burden per man hour in your market. Fully Burdened Labor includes taxes, insurance, benefits, meals, supplies, training costs, etc.
Feel free to enter your own value here. For this particular soffit condition. How many running lineal feet of this soffit could you expect to be installed in (1) man day if you were using traditional stud & track framing? As reference, Armstrong has found that a soffit of this condition can have varying production rates anywhere between 40 to 50 running ft. installed per man day. Note: the traditional production rate numbers above are going to change depending upon the soffit condition.
If you have to cover all surfaces of a traditionally framed light cove with drywall how many square feet (Sq. Ft.) can you install in one (1) man day?
What is the total cost to finish the cove condition, including all the steps you need to take across cornerbead, mud, sand, and paint?
What is your local market price per lineal foot of the type of track that you would typically use to build this soffit, if you were building it traditionally (ex. 3-5/8")?
What is your local market price per lineal foot of the type of track that you would typically use to build this soffit, if you were building it traditionally (ex. 3-5/8")?
What is your local market price per lineal foot for 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" 20g shiny 90 utility angle?
What is the total cost of drywall material needed to complete your project per square foot (Sq Ft)?
How much would you say it costs you to install one (1) - 12g hanger wire. If you are in NYC - how much does it cost you to install one (1) CBS Clip hanger to black iron?
How many total running feet of this single cove condition is spread across your whole project site?
What is the upper horizontal (top of cove condition) that returns to wall – view drawing to the right to help identify what we are referencing.
The horizontal dimension of your cove condition – view drawing to the right to help identify what we are referencing.
The vertical dimension of your cove condition – reference drawing to the right to help identify are we are referencing.
The horizontal dimension of your cove upturn - view drawing to the right to help identify what we are referencing.
The total inches of studs beyond finished cove to structure.
How much do you pay locally for an Armstrong drywall grid main runner?
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